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Fremdsprachenassistenz am GMF

    In diesem Schuljahr hatten wir das große Glück Shreya als Teil unseres Englischteams begrüßen zu dürfen.

    Sie bereicherte den regulären Unterricht und bot Konversationskurse für die 8. und 9. Jahrgangsstufe an. Die Schüler:innen hatten somit eine Muttersprachlerin als Sprachvorbild und lernten zudem einiges über ihre Heimat kennen.

    Vielen Dank für deine tatkräftige Unterstützung!

    I recently graduated from Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, where I studied Communication Studies, Global Health Studies, and Opera Performance. I am passionate about education, storytelling, and language learning! I am fluent in two Indian languages and am still working on my German and Mandarin. I love working with students and empowering them to enjoy language learning and learning in general. I received a Fulbright scholarship to work as an English Teaching Assistant in Munich and to help facilitate cross cultural communication as a representative of the United States. At GMF, you can usually either find me hosting an English Conversation Course where students get the opportunity to practice using their English in a realistic, but entertaining setting, or in a classroom helping out as an English Teaching Assistant.

    Fotos: Ricarda Irmer